Viewing: Hip Hop, activism, personal growth, self love, creativity, healing - View all posts

Returning to Wellington, the beginning of a new chapter.  

After moving to Melbourne to focus on Hip Hop but getting stuck in lockdowns for over 2 years I was forced to reassess my priorities in life.  So, after 6 years in Australia between Northern rivers NSW and Melbourne city I made the move to return to New Zealand to be closer to family. 

I’ve been back in Wellington for just over 1 year now.  I was apprehensive to return to New Zealand for a long time because I was afraid that coming back would erase all the personal development that I’ve achieved since I left…

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Last time I spoke on this I was angry and defensive; I wrote this track to get some shit off my chest and to cement the lessons I learned associating with DEMONS in the music scene. 

I have a lot of love and respect for the culture of Hip Hop. I’m realizing now that I had made the naïve assumption that everyone is basically in this for the same reasons and after a few years in the Melbourne scene I now understand that most of the scene is soft, dominated by disingenuous DEMONS with strategies of the average…

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What changed for you in 2021?   


2021 in retrospect 

I’ve been meaning to get into essay writing for ages now, so now that Goodiebag the mixtape is officially done and dusted I’m giving myself the time and space to practise the art form of structured academic style writing.  Over the last few years, I’ve become a keen journal writer.  Regular journaling has shown me the importance of celebrating all the small victories in life that lead to achieving major goals.  Human beings tend to focus on the negative’s so if we don’t…

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